
The Herefordshire County Federation is made up of the following Committees to over see all aspects of the Competitions and Events Year including the Promotion of HFYFC and all its’ activities, members input into the running of the yearly programme of competitions and events, sponsorship and fundraising, managing event catering, sorting  training requirements and so on.

The County Executive committee  consists of a chosen number of representatives from each YFC in the County, as set out in the constitution, and appoints the Officer team. The Executive Committee may also have advisory members to assist in making the best decisions for the County. The Officer team oversee the other  committees for the various needs of the organisation, who all report to  the Executive Committee, which makes overall decisions.  The Executive Committee also appoints the Management Committee as trustees of the Federation, who oversee finances, staffing and the legalities of the organisation.

Additionally to this, members elect a selection of other member representatives and additional contacts to stand on specific Task Groups for  competitions and events that require further input and planning. This includes Rally Day & Dance, the Performing Arts Competitions Week, Stockjudging as well as Hedging and  Ploughing Matches.

Upcoming meeting dates are listed below.

Minutes of the previous meeting and agenda’s for upcoming County Committee meetings are circulated to Club Chairs and Secretaries in advance of each meeting.  Each Club may send along a designated representative to each committee meeting, most committees require two representatives to attend, Competitions Committee is for three.   Attendance is counted towards end of year results.

Committees & Dates

Our HFYFC Committee Types & Meetings.


Two Reps Per Club

Plus  Vice Presidents and other representatives

Meet Quarterly


Plus elected and other representatives.

Meet Monthly


Three Reps Per Club

Meet up to four times a year


Two Reps Per Club

Meet up to four times a year


Two Reps Per Club

Meet up to four times a year


Two Reps Per Club

Meet up to four times a year

Junior Uniform

Two Reps Per Club

Meet up to four times a year


Feedback to each Committee for any training needs

Dates For 2023

Monday 11th March

11th March

Competitions Committee

Monday 18th March

18th March

Promotions Committee

Events Committee

Monday 2nd April

2nd April

Management Committee

Monday 8th April

8th April

Executive Committee
